Accepted Papers

Thermal Sensor Based Multi-occupancy Motion Tracking and Visualisation in Smart Environments

Jun Zhou, Huiru (Jane) Zheng, Haiying Wang, Jonathan Synnott, Chris Nugent, and Paul Jeffers

Usability testing of a novel automated external defibril l ator user interface: a pilot study

Peter O’Hare, Rebecca Di Maio, and Raymond Bond

Outlier Detection in Weight Time Series of Connected Scales

Saeed Mehrang, Elina Helander, Misha Pavel, Angela Chieh, and Ilkka Korhonen

The Syndromes of Lung Cancer and Compatibility of Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine Science Treatment Based on Clustering Algorithm

Miao Wang, Mengying Wang, Dongyi Wang, Shiyu Duan, Yisheng Wang, Yanjun Huang, and Huiliang Shang